Resources > Glossary > Readiness Score
Cerego’s Readiness Score™ is a real-time measure of what somebody actually knows.
Anyone's memories can fade and change within hours, which quickly renders historical measures like a test score outdated. And because test scores are a moment-in-time event, they can also be easily gamed and affected by factors such as anxiety or luck. Perhaps most importantly, a test score cannot distinguish between memorization that quickly fades after the exam, and lasting, applicable knowledge.
Cerego’s Readiness Score solves these problems, using patented, validated cognitive science and machine learning to tell you exactly which concepts a learner could recall right now — or on any future date. If a learner shows 90% Readiness, Cerego estimates that the learner can answer correctly 90% of the questions that have been asked to them during their study in Cerego.
Cerego’s Readiness Score can also do things a one-time test can’t, such as:
Take, for example, students at New York University’s College of Dentistry where Cerego is in use to build strong recall to take the NBDE or National Board of Dental Examination. After starting using Cerego, NYU has gone from an 80% pass rate to a 99.8% pass rate. As a result of Cerego being able to calculate how well they know each item they are studying, Cerego can produce a Readiness Score at both the assignment and course level. Below we see an example of how ‘ready’ right now, today, an NYU student might be from the content they have studied in Cerego.
So, if an NYU College of Dentistry professor were to ask the student any questions from the content they studied in Clinical Endodontics, Cerego’s Readiness Score says that this student would get 93% correct of the questions asked by the faculty member. For Anatomy of Pulpal Dentinal Complex, which the student is also studying, the Readiness Score now is lower at 79%. The student and the faculty member may feel that is too low and so the student would continue to study in Cerego to increase the Readiness Score.
To learn more about how Cerego's Readiness Score™ can be a powerful tool for your university or business, please contact us.
See also: Adaptive learning, Assessments, Learning Sets, Knowledge Bank™, Personalized learning
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