Patent Summary

Cerego has three active U.S. patents, and a fourth granted and soon to be issued, for our unique technologies around artificial intelligence and personalized learning.

  • Patent 10,861,344 issued 12/8/2020 regarding Personalized Learning System And Method For The Automated Generation of Structured Learning Assets Based On User Data

  • Patent 11,086,920 issued on 8/10/2021 regarding System For Automatically Generating Concepts Related To A Target

  • Patent 11,081,018 issued on 8/3/2021 regarding Personalized Learning System And Method For The Automated Generation of Structured Learning Assets Based On User Data

  • Patent application 15/977950 filed on 5/11/2018, and granted Notice of Allowance on 8/13/2021 regarding Personalized Learning Systems and Methods

Pending patent application 17/464,328 filed on 9/1/2021 regarding Personalized Learning System And Integration Of The Same With Platforms And Applications