I am a Student. How do I sign up?
In order to use Cerego through your school, you'll need access Cerego through your school LMS, like Canvas or BlackBoard. Or, you need to access through either Cengage MindTap or Elsevier Evolve.
If your Instructor is using Cerego and not an LMS or MindTap or Evolve, the Instructor will have invited you to a Course using Cerego. You will usually access the Course through your school's Learning Management System, such as Canvas, Blackboard, or MindTap.
In some cases you may be invited to the Course by your Instructor via email. Instructions are included in the email.
You can then access Cerego from within your school's Learning Management System. Once you have accessed Cerego from the Learning Management System you can also access it from your mobile phone, or directly on the web at Cerego.com.
If you already have an account from your school, you can Sign In.