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Cerego Blog | The Future of Learning

product updates

Start Learning in Cerego Faster with Our New Bulk Upload Feature

Our new Bulk Upload feature allows you to reduce friction for content managers, getting you up and running faster than...

artificial intelligence

Cerego Wins AI Breakthrough Award for "Best Solution in Education"

Prestigious Annual Awards Program Honors Standout AI and Machine Learning Solutions and Companies.

Online Learning

How to Increase Student Confidence and Participation in Remote Learning

An interview and discussion with Patti Valella, Life Sciences Professor at Long Beach City College.

Online Learning

Effective Online Learning is Vital in a Non-linear, Asynchronous World

For many organizations, online learning used to be a nice-to-have. That can't be the case anymore.

learning science

Why Knowing What You Know Makes You a Better Learner

The more conscious you are of your knowledge and thought processes, the more you can focus your energy on shoring up...

knowledge and memory

Effective Online Learning: What Does an LMS Do Well, and What are its Weak Points?

While the traditional LMS generally solves the problems of hosting and delivering course content, it doesn't really...

knowledge and memory

What is Adaptive Learning and How Does It Make Online Training More Effective and Efficient?

The key to unlocking adaptive learning for online training is the use of algorithms to orchestrate interactions with...


Cerego Grows Healthcare Footprint, Bringing Adaptive Learning Support to Industry

In the last quarter, Cerego has seen substantial growth of healthcare customers training medical personnel across...

Higher Education

Remote Learning in the Time of COVID-19: Educator Survey

Cerego polled 70 educators from universities and schools around the world, to learn exactly where the gaps in remote...